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Culturing Pangasius hypopthalmus in dark condition   improved the fish growth, however the water quality of the culture media  was poor due to the lack of phytoplankton that are able to consume nutrients originated from uneaten feed and metabolic waste. The use of plant in the aquaponics system may be able to absorb the nutrients and thus improve the water quality.  A research aims to understand the effect of photoperiod manipulation and aquaponics system using Ipomoea aquatica on the water quality of P. hypopthalmus culture media was conducted on June-August 2021. There was a CRD method with 2 factors, namely  aquaponic K (using Ipomoea aquatica) and F (Filter) and also 2 levels of  photoperiod factor,  namely 24G (Dark) and N (Natural photoperiod). The P. hypopthalmus fingerlings were reared in 100L plastic container, 30 fishes/ container (around 8 cm TL and 4 gr BW), fed 2 times/day using commercial fish feed pellets, ad libitum.   Samplings wwereas carried out 8 times,  once/week.  Parameters observed were pH, temperature, DO, BOD5, nitrate, phosphate and ammonia). Results shown that the use of aquaponics system using I. aquatica improve the water quality in general.  The best result was obtained in NatK (natural Ipomoea aquatica) treatment temperature: 26.7-28.0 ?C, pH:5.23-6.40, DO: 4.55-6.98 mg/L, BOD5: 3.50-9.33 mg/L, nitrate: 0.193-0.547 mg/L, phosphate: 0.022-0.039 mg/L dan amonia: 0.011-0.026 mg/L. while the worst was in 24GF (Filter), treatment temperature: 27.0-29.0, pH: 5.16-6.30, DO: 4.41-6.97 mg/L, BOD5 : 4.76-9.96 mg/L, nitrate:0.338-0.662 mg/L, phosphate: 0.035-0.064 mg/L, amonia: 0.020-0.077 mg/L.


Catfish, Photoperiod, Aquaponic System

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How to Cite
Niawati, Harnalin Simarmata, A. ., & Dahril, T. (2022). Kualitas Air Media Budidaya Pangasionodon hypopthalmus Dengan Manipulasi Fotoperiod dan Sistem Akuaponik Menggunakan Ipomoea aquatika. Jurnal Sumberdaya Dan Lingkungan Akuatik, 3(2). Retrieved from