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Oreochromis niloticus and Barbonymus schwanenfeldii are commonly found in the Koto Panjang Dam. Around the dam, however, many anthropogenic activities produce heavy metal that enter the water and thus accumulate in the organisms living in that area. A study aims to understand the heavy metal content in gill, muscle and kidney of O. niloticus and Barbonymus schwanenfeldii living in that dam has been conducted in April – October 2019. Results shown that the heavy metal content in O. niloticus were as follows: Pb 0.00522 mg/kg; Cd 0.00426 mg/kg (gill); Pb 0.00577 mg/kg; Cd 0.00416 mg/kgkg (kidney) and Pb 0.00424 mg/kg; Cd 0.00257 mg/kg (muscle). In B. schwanenfeldii, the heavy metals were Pb 0.00886 mg/kg; Cd 0.00446 mg/kg (gill); Pb 0.01336 mg/kg; Cd 0.00683 mg/kg (kidney) and Pb 0.00326 mg/kg; Cd 0.00288 mg/kg; (muscle). Bioaccumulation of heavy metals Pb and Cd in the organs of both types of fish is similar in the following sequence: kidney> gills> muscles. Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that the content of heavy metals in fish is still low. Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that the heavy metals content in fish were relatively low.
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